29 August 2011

Annika's First Day of School

After much anticipation and anxiety, The 6th grader starts school at the Idaho Virtual Academy while the 9th grader hopped on his bike towards the high school this morning. On a normal school day, Anni would be dressed too and ready to go by now but at 7:30 in the morning, she is blessedly asleep. Last night, I told her to set her alarm for 8:30am for the time being until we know what we're doing. This is a journey for all of us and I am grateful for Colter's late start into IDVA next month–making my transition a little less nerve-wracking.

To my delight, I logged in this morning to find all of her courses in place. I can now enter her attendance and review her daily or weekly plan. I was disappointed to see that it only shows this week's agenda. Still, I realized that Anni will be able to cruise through the plan and is already ahead in some ways. She completed her ScanTron test over the weekend so we can knock that out of the way. The Introduction to Online Learning seems to be straightforward.

Thank goodness for karma. Everything happens for a reason.


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