14 October 2010

Oatmeal is a Healthier Alternative

You can call a cookie by any other name and it's still a cookie. I don't have illusions about its benefits (or lack thereof) but I don't see me depriving myself of these delicious treats in my quest to lose weight and stay fit.

No doubt there are desserts that can probably kill you.

Over time.

On the other hand, I'm not the kind to sit around eating bon-bons daily so I think it's safe to say that I've got this under control.

Take the chocolate chip cookie. The hubby occasionally makes these awesome melt-in-your-mouth treats that I can't seem to duplicate, despite the fact that I use his recipe and bake in the same oven. Like him, these large cookies are masculine in shape and size. No pun intended, but they rise to to occasion every single time. Sure, I knew that they weren't good for me but that didn't keep me away. More important, since I couldn't quite master the recipe, I wanted to make a killer cookie that equaled his in taste but with a healthier spin.

Enter the oatmeal. It's whole grain. it's got fiber. And if it's good for breakfast, I figure, it's even better as a snack. I found a recipe on-line and made a few modifications.  The result? A chewy cookie worth a thousand words. Or bites, because they actually love it–even as much as the revered chocolate chip cookie!


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