19 October 2011

American History

This past week, Annika and I have been studying 19th century US history. Though from the looks of it, I am more interested than she is about the subject. She wanted to know why we have to read about all these dead people.

Heaven help us from cheeky 12 year olds!

I laughed and promptly turned to her. I told her that history is a way for us to understand how we deal with the present and our future. Unfortunately, I wasn't buying what I was selling but I smiled anyways and encouraged her to read about the suspiciously familiar politics and economy of the 1800's.

There's the usual cast of characters: malleable politicians, powerful banks and corporations juxtaposed with the unemployed and a struggling lower class. You really only had to change the names, dates and places and you have modern day America.

Annika has yet to realize the pragmatic reality of history.

It simply repeats itself.


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